White & Frederick Kiln
Warrenton, Virginia

[This is page one; go to page two]

Laying out the shape with paper shelves


Stepped brick footings on soil


Brick walls corbelled to skew line


Double damper slots; flue area widening into chimney


Flue form used to determine castable brick slope


Final layout of sloped flue

One damper for firing; two dampers for shutting tightly


First (of two) door arch layers


Door and side buttressing for backfill


Beginning the arch form.

[Because the form must support a heavy layer of refractory

castable it is "overbuilt" in comparison to the temporary

support needed to hold bricks in place.]


Bamboo form


Support framework


Form layers: bamboo, masonite strips, cardboard


Construction Photos of Castable Top - Page Two

Castable Formula and Details

warren frederick